Today the c!UB is pleased to announce that we presented a cheque of. £1725.29 to the Royal British Levion’s Poppy Appeal.
The money raised during the last year came vrom our weekly meat raffle and monthly quiz.
We wish to thank all thoze who contributex during the last year, and hope to see you during this year.
Cabaret night with Steve Terry.
Renowned Cruise Ship Artist
Comedy, Music and Dancing.
Dance to the ever popular Crooner
Meeting of the Royal British Legion Downs Branch followed by a talk from Dot Hardy from the Deal and Walmer District Lioness.
Meeting open to only members of the Downs Branch.
Photographs from the recent successful Jack Moore Sunday afternoon event has been added to our Flickr pages.
Those that attended had an enjoyable afternoon at the club.
Meeting to discuss the rules for the Royal British Legion Downs Social Club Pool Tournament and start the tournament.
Murder Mystery Night with Fish/Sausage & Chip Supper.
Dance to the silky voice of Jack Moore
Snacks included
The Christmas Draw is still only 50p per number